
Showing posts from 2021

Earth's stewards

Overflowing amounts of money are being used to save our specie from this virus. Yet, only a few people are working hard to save our home. It is not as expensive as it may sound like to save our own planet, the Earth. We have been living this tiny blue marble for thousands of years. It cared for us for the whole human existence. Now, it is the time save our home by doing simple steps like lessening of household carbon emission, saving energy, planting trees,disposing our wastes properly and etc. We are the stewards of God's creation, so we must take care of it to enjoy and cherish His beautiful gift to us.


         We have been struck by this Covid-19 for a year. We have been staying 24/7 on our homes. We have been staying low in our cocoons. Yet, other people are risking their lives for the safety and survival of the human specie. We may not enumerate them all but we give thanks to the UNSUNG HEROES of the society.